All prices are in canadian dollars.
Malcolmia Malcolmia maritima
Small delicate flowers on compact plants 20 to 30 cm high. Mix of colors: pink, purple and white. Reseeds itself. Bloom quickly. Easy to grow. Slight scent. Grow with other flowers in boxes or pots.
Packet of more than 100 seeds: $2,49
Marigold Crackerjack (Tagetes erecta)
Annual. Big double blooms in yellow, orange and gold, on top of rigid, straight stems. Attracts butterflies. Blooms from June to September. Nice cut flower. 50-60 cm. Full sun.
Packet of more than 50 seeds: $2,49
Marigold Lemon Gem (Tagetes tenuifolia)
Compact mounds covered with a myriad of small, long-lasting yellow blooms. The finely divided foliage gives off a scent that is both lemony and musky. It is therefore possible to use this plant as a seasoning, although its taste is a bit unusual. A good comparison would be its next of kin in the marigold genus, namely Tagetes minuta (Huacatay or Black Peruvian Mint), which shares some of its taste profile (musky, citrusy and minty). The whole plant can be harvested just before the first frost to be dried indoors (the dehydrated leaves retain their aroma). Obviously, this plant can also be cultivated solely for its ornamental qualities and to attract pollinators. Blooms from July until frosts. Height: about 40 cm tall. Flowers: 2,5 cm. Good drought tolerance. Full sun.
Packet of 40 seeds: $2,49
Monarda Fistulosa (Wild Bergamot) New for 2025
Perennial with lavender blooms much appreciated by pollinators (bees, butterflies, hummingbirds). Flowers and foliage have an aromatic scent and can also be used for tea (bergamot flavor, Earl Grey style) or for their medicinal properties. (...)
See New for 2025
Nasturtium Jewel Mix
An easy-to-grow annual producing flowers in shades of yellow, orange and red. Ideal for pots, hanging baskets and borders. Blooms quickly. Sow directly outside. The flowers are edible and have a peppery flavor reminiscent of watercress. The leaves can also be eaten (choose the young ones). Dwarf variety which can still reach sometimes over 30 cm long (the plants crawl on the ground or fall over the pots). Tolerates shade well.
Packet of 30 seeds: $2,49
Nemophila Baby Blue Eyes (Nemophila insignis, menziesii)
Annual. Small 2-3 cm, bell shaped flowers, pastel blue. Delicate foliage. For hanging baskets, pots and borders. Cascading, crawling habit, 15 to 30 cm tall. Grows best in part shade. Does not like summer heat. Very fast bloomer, one of the first in spring. Can be directly sown outside. Packet of more than 50 seeds: $2,49
The Baby Blue Eyes is really more of a springtime plant, and it will not last much longer than midsummer.
Place it among other flowers that will outgrow it afterwards. Or you can sow it in May, it will then bloom later.
Nemophila 5 spots (Nemophile Maculé) (Nemophila maculata)
Annual. Delicate, 4 cm white or lilac flowers veined with purple and with a purple blotch at the tip of each petal. Profuse bloomer. Low growing plant with trailing habit, only 15 to 25 cm high, ideal for hanging baskets. Flowers from spring through summer. Full sun, part shade.
Packet of 50 seeds: $2,49
Snapdragon Magic Carpet Mix
Annual. Dwarf type (15-20 cm) with crawling stems. For pots, flower boxes, rock gardens or borders. Mix of different colors. Early blooming: May-June. Can be sown directly outside.
Packet: $2,49 (more than 200 seeds)
Dianthus Superbus (Oeillet Superbe) (Dianthus superbus)
Perennial. Stunning flowers with finely laced petals (click thumbnails for closer views). Nicely fragrant! Mix of white, pink and purple. 35 cm. For borders and containers. Sun to part shade. Zone 3-9. Limited supply.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,49
Oenothera Speciosa Pink Primrose, Onagre Rose (Oenothera Speciosa)Perennial. Pale pink, cup-shaped flowers opening early in the day and releasing a sweet fragrance in the evening. Well adapted to average to poor, sandy soils. Easy to grow. Height: 30 to 60 cm. Full sun to part shade. Perennial up to zone 5. Blooms more in May-June then less the rest of season. Flowers are 3 to 4 cm wide.
Packet of 50 seeds or more: $2,49Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Perennial. Tall herbaceous plant that has many uses in organic and biodynamic gardening (green manure, insecticide, etc.). Used also as a herbal tea. Watch out though for the stinging hairs covering this plant (it can be very painful). Male and female plants. 2 m high or more. Perennial (zone 3).
Packet of more than 100 seeds: $2,49
Physostegia (Physostegia virginiana)
Perennial with pinkish flower spikes blooming in July and August About 40 cm tall. Grows in bunch. Tolerates wet soils and very cold weather (zone 3). Also known as Obedient Plant.
Packet of 50 seeds: $1,99
Poppy Danish Flag (Papaver somniferum)Annual. Large deep red flowers marked with a contrasting white cross at their center. Fringed petals. Blooms last from 2 to 4 weeks, and start usually around early summer. Height: 60-70 cm. Start in pots but be very carefull when transplanting (roots must not but disturbed at all). Full sun, part shade. Aka Danebrog Laced.
Packet of 50 seeds:
Poppy Rhoeas Single Poppy (Pavot Coquelicot) (Papaver rhoeas)
Annual. Mix of small single flowers in shades of red, pin and white. Height: 50 cm. Blooms in June-July.
Packet of 100+ seeds: $2,49
California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)Annual. Vibrant orange flowers and bluish green, finely divided foliage. Borders, containers. Will often reseed itself and come back year after year. Tolerant to some level of drought. Height: 30 cm. Full sun. California State Flower, grows all over the central and northern coasts, and the Sierra Nevada foothills.
Packet of 100+ seeds: $2,49
Poppy Double Shirley Pavot Double en mélange (Double Shirley)
Annual. Mix of 8 cm double flowers in shades of white, pink, coral, mauve and red. Some have a white edge. 50 cm. Full sun. Packet of more than 100 seeds: $2,49
Oriental Poppy Papaver orientale
Perennial. Very large scarlet flowers with dark centers. Will bloom quite early (June) but not for long. Height 1 m. Plants grow bigger every year. Sun to part shade. Perennial up to zone 3.
Packet of about 100 seeds: $2,99
Petunia integrifolia (Violetflower petunia)
Annual. Nice violet flowers produced abundantly on cascading plants. Click thumbnails for nice views. Flowers are smaller (2-3 cm) but are in great numbers. One of the 2 original species from which all the hybrid petunias where bred. More resistant. Blooms until fall.
Packet of 200 seeds: $2,49
Phacelia campanularia (Desert Bluebells)
Annual. Bell shaped, 2-3 cm flower in a beautiful, vibrant shade of deep blue. For borders, rock gardens, flower boxes, etc. Height: 20 to 40 cm. Fuzzy leaves reminiscent of the African Violet. Blooms very quickly, only two months after germination. Tolerates poor soils and some drought (it is a desert plant). Needs above all a well drained soil. Plant close together for best effect. Tender perennial used as an annual. Full sun. Easy to grow.
Packet of 50 seeds: $2,49
Platycodon Fuji/Balloon Flower (Platycodon grandiflorum)Lilac blue, star shaped, cupped flowers 2" across cluster around strong stems with glossy, lance-shaped leaves. Also called "balloon flower" as the unopened flower heads look like inflated balloons. These long-lived flowers will bloom for months if deadheaded. Rich soil. 2' tall. Sun to part shade. Zones 4-9. Perennial.
Packet is 35 seeds: $2.49
Platycodon Pink Platycodon grandiflorus
Perennial. Large pale pink flowers with subtle lining. Can bloom from first year if started early. Height: 60 cm. Blooms July and August. Sun to part shade. Perennial up to zone 3.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,49.
Ratibida Columnifera Mexican SombreroPerennial. Unusual flowers with high central columnar disk. Yellow-red petals. Blooms from June until fall. tolerant to some levels of draught and mediocre soils. Needs only well drained soil. 60 cm high. Full sun to part shade. Use like rudbeckias. Nice cut flower. Perennial up to zone 3. From North America.
Packet of 50 seeds: $2,49
Hollyhock mix (Althea Rosea)Biennial. Classic garden plant with long spikes of 10 cm hibiscus or malva-like flowers in a mix of colors and shapes (simple, double). Can reach more than 2m. Sow directly outside or a few weeks before the last frost. Flowers from July until frosts. Full sun, part shade. Note that this is a mix of simple and double flowers, in white, pink, salmon and mauve.
Packet of 30+ seeds: $2,49
Rugose Hollyhock (Alcea rugosa)
Perennial. A unique species of hollyhock with yellow flowers and fig leaf, rugose foliage. Click on thumbnails for larger views. This one is also more resistant to rust and mildew, and is well adapted to the north (up to zone 3). Short-lived perennial, but reseeds itself. Height: 2,3 m. Full sun. From Caucasia. Blooms from July until August. Germination can take up to 3 or 4 weeks. Also known as Hairy Hollyhock. Sow at cool temperatures (15-20 C). Warning: low germination rate (40%). Thus, packet increased to 30 seeds.
Packet of 30 seeds: $2,49
Rudbeckia Gloriosa (Indian Summer) (Rudbeckia hirta)
Perennial. Large, 18-cm flowers in autumn shades of yellow, bronze, burgundy. Many are bicolored. Vigorous plant, about 75 to 90 cm tall. Nice cut flower. Easy to cultivate. Can tolerate average soils. Full sun is better. Zone 3 to 9. Packet of more than 100 seeds: $2,49
Salvia coccinea
Annual. Long flower spikes with bright red flowers. Attracts hummingbirds. Can reach 1 m high. Small, 3-cm flowers. Click thumbnails for details. Full sun. Blooms from July until September. Aka "Scarlet Sage".
Packet of 30 seeds: $2,49
Salvia farinacea (Blue Sage) Back for 2025
Annual. Dense clusters of blue-purple blooms growing on long flower spikes. When flowers are rubbed between your fingers, they give off a delicious citrus scent reminiscent of grapefruit. Magnificent cut flower, keeps its colors. Victoria cultivar, with a compact shape (40 cm). Abundant and constant blooming, from July to frost. Tolerates a certain degree of drought. Tender perennial (zone 8) treated as an annual. Prefers full sun, tolerates partial shade.
Packet of 50 seeds: $2,49
Tall annual grass somewhat similar to corn in shape and size except it has only one terminal, loose seed head. Mix of differently colored seed heads, from reddish to yellow to brown. Used in fall decorations, or to make brooms (hence its name "broom corn"), syrup or molasses (from the stems) or to eat the grain. Very tall plant: 2 to 3 m high. Full sun. Packet of 50 seeds: $2,49
Spilanthes oleracea (Toothache plant)
Strange flowers devoid of petals and with bulls eye pattern. Also, leaves have a very peculiar tingling effect when chewed, sort of effervescent and numbing. Was used as a folk medicine to soothe toothaches. Give some leaves to your friends and watch them while they chew them! Crawling plant. Around 30 high. Sun to part shade.
Packet of about 50 seeds: $2,49
Sweet Lupine (Lupinus albus, White lupine (sweet cultivar, "sweet lupine")
Variety of lupine yielding edible seeds with high nutritional value. Popular in the Mediterranean countries, where it is known by various names (lupini, tremoços, etc.). The plant produces flower spikes similar to those of decorative lupines. These are followed by pods similar to those of soybeans, each containing 2 to 7 seeds of about 1 cm. The variety we offer is the sweet lupine, without bitterness. (...)
See Other Vegetables
Tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis)
Tarwi is grown in the Andes for its highly nutritious seeds, similar to those of the white lupine. The plant produces flower spikes releasing a delicious sweet scent, followed by pods similar to those of soybeans, inside of which we find the 1-cm white seeds. (...)
See Other Vegetables
Ornamental Tobacco Mutabilis (Nicotiana mutabilis)
Annual. A beautiful and unique species of Nicotiana with small flowers changing from white to pale pink and then to pink. Each flower head is thus composed of a mix of colors. Click thumbnails for details. Long blooming period, from July until frosts. Bees and other pollinators just love this plant, and so are hummingbirds. High, 1,4 to 1,75 m. Long stems and smaller flower (3 cm). Full sun to part shade.
Limited stock.
Small packet of 30 seeds:$2,99
Very nice when mixed with other flowers.
Tobacco Only the Lonely Tabac Solitude (Nicotiana sylvestris)Annual. Tall tobacco with nodding bouquets of long trumpet shaped white flowers, 12 to 15 cm long. Open in the evening and release a sweet fragrance. Blooms June until fall. Tall plant: 1,5 m. Full sun to part shade.
Pcket of 100 seeds: $2,49
Indian Tobacco (Nicotiana rustica)
Annual. Indigenous species from North America used for smoking by some native tribes during their rituals. Also called Sacred Tobacco. Small, pale yellow flowers. The sticky, hairy leaves can be used as to prepare an organic insecticide (it is actually grown commercially for this purpose). Height: 1,20 m. Full sun, part shade. Plant close together for better effect. Early bloomer: June.
Packet of 100 seeds: $2,49
Fast bloomer but not for a long time. Remove dead flower and seed pods to extent flowering or trim back .It will then bloom again in August. Use the cuttings to make your own organic insecticide.
Telekia speciosa (Telekia speciosa, Buphtalmum speciosum)Perennial. Nice blooms with lots of very thin feathery petals. Central disks mature from yellow to brown. Scented. Large leaves smelling like hop. 6 to 10 cm blooms. 1 to 1,8 m high. Blooms in June and July.
Packet of more than 30 seeds: $2,49
Tithonia (Tithonia rotundifolia)Annual. Also known as the Mexican Sunflower, this tithonia is the Torch type, very tall, that can reach more than 6 feet. It is a well branched plant covered with wonderful, bright orange, 10 cm flowers that are sure to catch the eye. Very nice effect. Full sun. Start plants a few weeks before last frost.
Packet is 20 seeds: $2,49
Sunflower Autumn Mix (Tournesol en mélange)
Annual.Mix of different shades of gold, copper and brown (click thumbnails for details). 6 feet high. Blooms from July until frosts.
Packet of 50 seeds: $2,49
Sunflower Dwarf Sunspot
Dwarf, 40 cm plants with large, standard size blooms. Can be used for borders or pots. Terminal flower is followed by smaller lateral blooms. These flowers produce a lot of pollen. Bees love them. Remove excess foliage. Click picture for more details.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,49
Annual. Beautiful bright, lemon yellow flowers about 15 cm in diameter. 1.5 to 2 m high plants. Terminal bloom followed by lateral flowers. Click pictures for more details.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,49
Sunflower Mammoth Giant
Huge flower heads, more than 30 cm wide on top of sturdy stems, 2 to 2,5 m tall. Good for creating a temporary hedge, wind breaker, or a south facing wall. Nice, large edible seeds that can also be left to birds. Impressive.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,49
Sunflower Italian White (Minisol) (Helianthus cucumerifolius)
This is a unique sunflower with much thinner stems and smaller flowers. It is also more branched. Plants bear many flowers simultaneously. Flowers are about 10 to 12 cm wide, lemon colored, with lime green hearts that turn brown afterwards. Plants are shorter too, about 1,2 m (4 feet). Good cut flower. Starts blooming in July.
Packet of 25 seeds: $2,99
Sunflower Pan (Helianthus debilis ssp. cucumerifolius)
Annual. A unique and different sunflower species with smaller flowers and foliage, and increased ramification. Plants are covered with at least 20 flowers at the same time. Small, 8 cm yellow blooms. Well branched, bushy plants, 1,5 m high. Blooms from July until frosts. Good cut flowers. Mix of different flowers (dark and pale centers).
Packet of 25 seeds: $2,49
Sunflower Teddy Bear
Annual. Dwarf sunflower (60-90 cm) good for borders and pots. Each plant has many furry, golden orange flowers that are longer lasting than those of other sunflowers.
Packet of 25 seeds: $2,49
Sunflower Velvet Queen
Annual. Dark red blooms, about 15 cm in diameter. Side shoots with flowers. 1,5 m.
Packet of 20 seeds: $2,49Tunic Flower Tunica saxifraga, Petrorhagia saxifraga
Perennial. Small and delicate pink flowers, like gypsophila, on compact crawling plants. Thin leaves. Flowers are about 6 mm. Blooms on the first year. Good for the rock garden or pots. Sun to part shade. Perennial up to zone 6, or even 5. Can be used as an annual since it blooms the first year.
Packet of more than 30 seeds: $2,49
Verbascum Verbascum phoeniceum
Perennial. Long slender spikes covered with medium size flowers. Basal rosette of leaves. Mix of different colors, from white to purple. Early bloomer, but not for very long. Height: 90 cm. Full sun to part shade. Perennial up to zone 3.
Packet of 50 seeds: $2,49
Cypress Vine White (Vigne cypress blanche) (Ipomoea quamoclit alba)
Trumpet shaped flowers that act as beacons to hummingbirds. Delicate foliage. 10' tall. Sun to part shade. Annual; tender perennial zones 10-11. 12-14 wks.
Packet of 10 seeds: $2,49
Cypress Vine Mix (Ipomoea quamoclit)
Mix of red, white and pink cypress vines. Trumpet shaped flowers that act as beacons to hummingbirds. Delicate foliage. 10' tall. Sun to part shade. Annual; tender perennial zones 10-11. 12-14 wks.
Packet is 10 seeds: $2,99
Zinnia California Giant (Zinnia elegans)Annual. Big, dahlia-type double flowers between 12 and 14 cm wide (6 inches). Bright mix of yellow, orange, red, lavender, purple and white. Excellent cut flower. Plants with sturdy stems and good ramification, 1m tall (3 feet). Good for mass planting or back of borders. Nice in front of sunflowers. Attracts butterflies. Blooms from July until frosts. A classic since its introduction in 1925. Full sun.
Packet of 35 seeds: $2,49
Zinnia Lilliput
Dwarf plants producing small double and semi double flowers in a bright mix of colors including yellow, orange, red and pink. Excellent cut flower, 3 to 5 cm in diameter. Bushy, compact habit. Height: 30 to 45 cm. Remove dried flowers to extend blooming time. Full sun.
Packet of 50 seeds: $2,49
Zinnia Linearis (Zinnia angustifolia) New for 2025
Small 4-cm flowers in shades of white, yellow and orange. Compact plants, 40 cm high, with narrow leaves and single flowers reminiscent of coreopsis. Like other zinnias, it has a long blooming period, extending from July until frosts. (...)
See New for 2025
Zinnia Marylandica New for 2025
Zinnia species featuring white flowers with a pink star at their center. Like other zinnias, it has a long blooming period, extending from July until frosts. Will tolerate some drought and heat. Medium-sized flowers (6-7 cm) on fairly compact plants.
See New for 2025
Zinnia Meli-Melo
Mix of dahlia flowers and cactus flowers, and everything in between. Double, semi-double and simple blooms. Several shades. Some may be striped. Height: 80 cm to 120 cm. Flowers: 5 to 10 cm. Nice cut flower. Early bloomer. Long flowering period, can last until fall frosts. Attracts monarchs and other butterflies. Tolerates high temperatures. Full sun.
Packet fo 20 seeds: $2,99
Zinnia Old Mexico (Zinnia haageana)
Annual. Mix of double and semi double flowers in shades of mahogany, gold, orange and yellow. Compact habit, about 30 cm high. Nice for borders or pots. Full sun. Blooms from July to September. Aka Persian Carpet.
Packet of 50 seeds: $2,49
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